Evert Verhagen
Professor of Sports & Health Amsterdam UMC | Co-chair ACHSS IOC Research Center | Medical Research Advisor UEFA | EiC BMJOpenSEM
Evert Verhagen
Professor of Sports & Health Amsterdam UMC | Co-chair ACHSS IOC Research Center | Medical Research Advisor UEFA | EiC BMJOpenSEM

As a full professor at the Amsterdam UMC and the Amsterdam Movement Science Research Institute, I have dedicated my career to the prevention of sports and physical activity-related injuries. My passion extends beyond academia. As the Editor in Chief of BMJ Open Sports & Exercise Medicine, I shape the dialogue in the realm of sports research. I also proudly co-chair the Amsterdam Collaboration on Health and Safety in Sports and serve as a Medical Research Advisor for the Union of European Football Associations. These roles allow me to drive excellence and foster innovation in the pursuit of optimal health and safety for athletes.
Specialist Areas
Sports Medicine
Injury Prevention
As a full professor at the Amsterdam UMC and the Amsterdam Movement Science Research Institute, I have dedicated my career to the prevention of sports and physical activity-related injuries. My passion extends beyond academia. As the Editor in Chief of BMJ Open Sports & Exercise Medicine, I shape the dialogue in the realm of sports research. I also proudly co-chair the Amsterdam Collaboration on Health and Safety in Sports and serve as a Medical Research Advisor for the Union of European Football Associations. These roles allow me to drive excellence and foster innovation in the pursuit of optimal health and safety for athletes.
Specialist Areas
Sports Medicine
Injury Prevention
Employment History
Medical Research Advisor – Union of European Football Associations, Nyon
Professor – Amsterdam UMC, Amsterdam
Co-director – Amsterdam Institute of Sport Science, Amsterdam
Consulting Research Director, Performance Medicine – Cirque du Soleil, Montreal
Associate Professor – EMGO + institute / VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam
Assistant Professor – EMGO + institute / VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam
Coordinator Epidemiology & Local Health Policy – GGD Zuid-Hollandse Eilanden, Spijkenisse
Post-doctoral Researcher – EMGO + institute / VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam
Oxford University, UK
Advanced Qualitative Research Methods
Said Business School, Oxford University, UK
High Performance Leadership
VU University, Amsterdam, the Netherlands
MSc Epidemiology
2000 – 2005
VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, the Netherlands
phD, Faculty of Medicine
VU University, Amsterdam, the Netherlands
MSc Humman Movement Sciences
1994 – 1999
St. Pauluslyceum, Tilburg, the Netherlands
Pre-university education
1988 – 1994
indexed publications
publications as first author
publications as last author
H index
Isabel Moore, Kay M Crossley, Kari Bo, Margo Mountjoy, Kathryn Ackerman, Juliana da Silva Antero, Jorunn Sundgot Borgen, Wendy Brown, Caroline Bolling, Benjamin Clarsen, Wayne Derman, Paul Dijkstra, Amber Donaldson, Kirsty Elliott-Sale, Carolyn Emery, Lene Haakstad, Astrid Junge, Nonhlanhla Mkumbuzi, Sophia Nimphius, Debbie Palmer, Mireille van Poppel, Jane Thornton, Rita Tomás, Phathokuhle Zondi, Evert Verhagen. Female athlete health domains: a supplement to the International Olympic Committee consensus statement on methods for recording and reporting epidemiological data on injury and illness in sport. Br J Sports Med, 2023.
Evert Verhagen, Allard van der Beek, Jos Twisk, Lex Bouter, Roald Bahr, Willem van Mechelen. The effect of a proprioceptive balance board training program for the prevention of ankle sprains: a prospective controlled trial. Am J Sports Med, 2004. 32(6): p. 1385-93.
Caroline Bolling, Willem van Mechelen, Roeline Pasman, Evert Verhagen. Context Matters: Revisiting the First Step of the ‘Sequence of Prevention’ of Sports Injuries. Sports Med, 2018. 48(10): p. 2227-2234.
Evert Verhagen, Kasim Bay. Optimising ankle sprain prevention: a critical review and practical appraisal of the literature. Br J Sports Med, 2010. 44(15): p. 1082-8.
Ingrid Vriend, Vincent Gouttebarge, Caroline Finch, Willem van Mechelen, Evert Verhagen. Intervention Strategies Used in Sport Injury Prevention Studies: A Systematic Review Identifying Studies Applying the Haddon Matrix. Sports Med, 2017. 47(10): p. 2027-2043.
Honours & Awards
Recognition as an IOC Research Centre for Prevention of Injury and Protection of Athlete Health
2015, 2019 & 2023
Fellow of Sports Medicine Australia
Recognition as High Performance Partner by the Dutch National Olympic Committee
University Research Chair, VU University Amsterdam, the Netherlands
ZonMw Pearl, The Netherlands Organisation for Health Researchand Development: ‘Versterk je enkel’ project
Societal Impact Award, EMGO Institute
Fellow of the European College of Sports Sciences
Asics poster prize ‘Injury Prevention’. ACSMS 2010 3- 6 November 2010, Port Douglas, Australia. Title: The impact of compliance on sports injury prevention effect estimates in randomized controlled trials.
2nd place, teacher of the year awards. Faculty of Medicine of the VU University medical Center, Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
3rd place, teacher of the year awards. Faculty of Medicine of the VU University medical Center, Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
2008, 2007
Van Walree’ travel grant. Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW)
“I have had the pleasure to work with Evert since 2014. Having first worked with Evert at Cirque du Soleil he demonstrated a compelling vision to create a culture of injury prevention for a high performance organisation. Since this time, I continue to hold in reverence Evert’s authentic leadership abilities to align, motivate, and inspire while concurrently delivering elite research outcomes. Evert is a leader-manager of the highest order.”
Jay Mellette, Director of Sports Performance Vegas Golden Knights
“Evert Verhagen is an international thought leader in the field of sports medicine. His injury and illness prevention research has improved the health and safety of athletes around the world. Further, he is an exceptional educator and is able to convey complex information in an understandable and engaging manner. Finally, as the Chief Medical Officer for the US Olympic & Paralympic Committee, I have the privilege of working with colleagues from around the world and few have impressed me as much as Dr. Verhagen. When seeking advice, mentorship, or collaboration, Dr. Verhagen is at the top of my list.”
Jonathan Finnoff, Chief Medical Officer United States Olympic & Paralympic Committee
“In my role in international sport, I have learned that I can rely on Evert on many levels: reliability, quality and flexibility. I always count on Evert to challenge what is, and to embrace what could be. Evert stretches my mind and is a valued, respected, colleague.”
Margo Mountjoy, IOC Medical Commission
“Apart from his impressive knowledge and network, Evert can place scientific knowledge in context like no other. In doing so, he ensures that this knowledge can actually be implemented in practice. An absolute added value for every organisation! And certainly no less important; Evert is above all a nice and approachable person.”
Paul Schermers, Programme leader Royal Netherlands Marechaussee
“In addition to his extensive research, Evert is an exceptional communicator and educator, he consistently demonstrates his commitment to excellence. Whether presenting at conferences or collaborating on projects, he has a unique ability to engage and inspire his audience. His dedication to sharing knowledge and promoting evidence-based practices has undoubtedly influenced and elevated the entire sport’s science community and athlete health care professionals.”
Marie-Elaine Grant – IOC Medical & Scientific Commission
“Evert has been the Editor in Chief of BMJ Open Sports & Exercise Medicine since January 2021. He continues to grow the journal’s content with a fair, evidence-based and future-oriented approach, while upholding the values and guidelines set by BMJ and industry standards. He is calm, decisive and driven – it is a pleasure working with him.”
Jennifer Thomas – Publisher BMJ
“I am pleasantly surprised in the collaboration with Evert. In our conversations he is friendly, open, analytical and listens to our challenges without judgment. He thinks along and likes to participate in solutions for the problems we now encounter with our dancers. I also appreciate his vision on leadership and value him as a sounding board.”
Rutger Klauwers, Head of the Health Department Dutch National Ballet
On the Road
You will find me attending and presenting at these upcoming events.
SONAFE 2023, Bahia, Brazil
1-4 November 2023
#SPORTSKONGRES, Copenhagen, Denmark
1-3 February 2024
Isokinetic Conference, Madrid, Spain
25-27 May 2024
FIMS World Congress of Sports Medicine, Dubai, UAE
24-27 October 2024
4th FIFA Medical Conference, Boston, United States
6 February – 7 February 2024
IOC Prevention Conference 2024, Monte Carlo, Monaco
29 February – 2 March 2024
International Ankle Symposium, Strasbourg, France
4-5 October 2024